Wellington Shropshire


Who can join?

u3a membership is not related to a specific age but to a period in life - the third age. Anyone not in, or seeking, full-time employment, can join u3a. There is no lower age for membership.

How can I join?

Come to a general meeting as a visitor, on the second Thursday of any month at the Wellington Methodist Church at 2pm.

What does it cost?

From 1st April 2022 the annual subscription will be £14. Existing members who renew between March and May will pay £12. The membership year is from 1st April to the end of March.  

There is an entrance charge of £2 for each monthly meeting, which includes tea/coffee/biscuits.  Visitors may attend a maximum of three meetings at a charge of £3 per meeting.

What does my membership include?

  • general monthly meetings with a wide range of speakers
  • interest group activity meetings to learn, discuss and share knowledge and skills
  • 5 “Third Age Matters” and 3 “Sources” magazine per year
  • an opportunity to make new friends enjoying their Third Age

Opportunity to join in any additional excursions or visits

Wellington, Shropshire U3A Associate Member:

On proof of paid up full membership of another U3A branch, a person may apply for Associate Membership of Wellington Shropshire U3A

The cost of this membership will be:

  • For the full year (1/4 – 31/3) – Full Membership Fee minus £3.00
  • For a half year (1/10 -31/3) - Half Membership Fee minus £2.00

An Associate Member will have the same benefits as a Full Member except that he/she will not be eligible to stand for election to the Committee.

If you have any queries about joining the U3A please contact the Membership Secretary