Wellingborough u3a 20th Anniversary Celebration Buffet
We will be holding a celebration buffet on Thursday, 14th November 2024
at Silk, Midland Road Wellingborough: to commemorate twenty years of the U3A in Wellingborough.
The event will take place between 12 noon and 4pm.
The buffet comprises of vegetarian and non vegetarian options.
However, we will need to know other dietary requirements such as gluten free or lactose intolerance.
Please would you inform the organiser Julia Heathcote of any dietary requirements that you may have.
Julia can be contacted via the new 20th_Anniversary E-mail address.
The August Newsletter
The August 2024 Newsletter is now available.
Please follow the link on the right for In Touch August 2024.
To send content for future newsletters please E-mail the Newsletter Editor.
September 4th is the date for our History of Brewing in Northampton.
Alaric Neville from Phipps Brewery will tell the story of one of the oldest breweries in the UK,
starting in 1801 when Pickering Phipps brewed beer in Towcester,Northamptonshire.
Alaric Neville will tell the fascinating story of this iconic brewery and bring some samples of Gin and Beer with him.
He will also have some bottles for sale. You are welcome to bring a guest.
Last month, on August 7th, We welcomed Ian Anderson.
His talk was Poems for People who hate poetry.
He felt that poetry is very much under exposed and says his challenge is implicit in the title.
Something a little different.
Your u3a committee
There is a link on the right hand side of this web page where you can find out about your Wellingborough & District u3a committee.
Look for Your 2024 Committee.
You will see that, following the standing down of three members, having completed their 'term of office', we are in need of a few more volunteers.
If you feel that you can contribute to the running of our u3a why not come along to a committeee meeting.
Members' Meetings
A reminder that our meetings in 2024 will be at the United Reformed Church starting at 2 p.m.
More information about the ongoing works at the church can be found in the Latest In Touch newsletter.
Until this work is complete our kitchen facilities are rather compromised.
Therefore, will people wanting a cup of tea please bring along their own cup, please?
A Mah Jong group has re-started and meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month in the community room of Tesco in Turnells Mill Lane.
The next meeting is on Wednesday the 9th of October.
New members are most welcome as well as those who have never played before.
You will be given plenty of instruction to recognise the various "Tiles" as well as how to play.
Cuppa & Chat
The next Cuppa & Chat meeting will be at 2 p.m. on Wednesday the 16th of October.
The venue will be All Hallows Church Hall, 33-34 Church Street, Wellingborough, NN8 4PA.
Why not drop in for a cuppa and to meet a few of your fellow u3a members? It's now free to u3a menbers.
There is still plenty of room for new members in the regular meeting group.
The Church Hall is on the same street as the main bus stops in Wellingborough. The door is on the other side of the hall.
The entrance is through the pedestrian gate then turn to the right, the door is a little way along on the right.
More precise directions can be found on the new Cuppa & Chat group page.
Contact John Garside for more information Web Co-ordinator
Singing for Fun
We are looking for new members to join our singing group.
We meet at the Great Doddington Memorial Hall on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month in the afternoon.
There are no auditions and words and/or music will be provided.
You really don't need to have any previous experience and the songs range from the silly, pop, musicals and nothing too serious. We are not the choir!
Please come along to have a bit of fun, make new friends and enjoy yourself. Kathy Randall.
More details about the group can be found via the Groups page. Follow the link there to Singing for Fun.
Beacon login changes
To all Wellingborough & District u3a members, please be aware that we have been informed that commencing on the 18th of April, from about 10:30 a.m., we will all have to set up new login information to conform to the GDPR requirements.
The attached document "Beacon User Guide" gives you guidance about what you will need to do and what information you will need to provide.
Any groups that have photographs or other pictures that they would like on their web page should send them to the Web Co-ordinator.
There may also still be glitches that have not been discovered, so if you find any problems on the website, please contact the Web Co-ordinator so that they can be investigated.
Don't Forget
When we meet at the United Reformed Church, please remember to bring your *new* plastic membership cards with you.
This is a permanent card, so please look after it!
Also, if you would like a tea or coffee at the Tithe Barn or the church, please remember to bring your own cup.
Digital Projector
The digital projector is currently kept by the Social Secretary, Pat Heed.
If any group leaders would like to borrow the projector please contact John Garside here: Web Co-ordinator.
Remember to check the Groups pages and the Events page for the latest information.
Although we are now being asked to 'live with Covid' it has not disappeared, so if you plan to join in a group meeting please think about whether you are putting yourself at risk and how you can take care of yourself.
Group Leaders have been consulted, and a guidance document has been drawn up: Interest Group Covid Policy. This is also available on the 'Documents' page.
Please also
a) Consider your own general health and look at the NHS website for additional information.
b) Consider the health of anyone you live with.
c) Think about the activity you will be taking part in and talk to your Group leader. You can then make a decision about whether to take part at this time.
d) We request that you do not attend if you or anyone in your household has COVID-19.
Check back on this website for updates on the situation.
Stay well and remember that good ventilation is important when meeting others indoors.