Welcome to Warminster U3A
Warminster U3A was founded in 2000 and we have over 300 members with with more than 30 enthusiastic interest and activity groups run by our members. We also have a relationship with Warminster School where members and students engage in joint activities, and exchange expertise. Activity groups either meet monthly, fortnightly and some weekly. Once you have joined us you are welcome to go to any Group that has vacancies. To see more details go to the GROUPS page.
We have a Monthly Meeting which is open to all members and potential members with a special guest speaker. On these occasions you will be able to access information about new groups, trips and future events. This Meeting is always on the last Wednesday of the month, at 2 p.m. at Warminster Civic Centre, Sambourne Road, Warminster, BA12 8LB. The Membership Secretary is always present to welcome and enroll new members, and most of the committee are available for you to meet and chat to over a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits. See our EVENTS page for details.
We have frequent trips and visits in connection with group studies, and a Christmas Lunch.
As well as this website, we also have a Facebook page where we post information about groups and activities, and share with other social media sites. We also have a Facebook page
The U3A is run by members for members. If you feel you can help in anyway, eg Group Leader, Committee member, equipment, refreshments or any other suggestions, please speak to one of the committee members to have a chat. We are a very friendly, easy going group of people who like to have fun.
New members and new ideas are always welcome. A membership form can be found under the Links section on this page (the form takes about a minute to download). For any queries please use the form on the CONTACT page.