Welcome to our website
Working part-time? Not working at all? Feeling alone or just want to try something new? You now have the opportunity to make new friends by joining u3a and getting involved in the many groups available to you. Stay mentally and physically active! Have fun whilst learning new skills and/or passing on your skills to others!
u3a is a nationwide movement which is unique and exciting and provides life-enhancing and life-changing opportunities. Non-working or part-time working adults come together to learn, to socialise, to pass on skills, to enjoy activities for its own reward: the sheer joy of discovery! Many of the groups hold their activities during the day.
The Waltham Abbey u3a held its inaugural meeting in November 2014. It presently has over 400 fully paid up members, and over 25 interest groups, from board games to sketching; country dancing to singing; card making and paper craft to Saturday walks; debating and discussion to languages and so much more, including holidays and days out!
We have monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month which are held in the Town Hall in Highbridge Street, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1DE.
Please note, to avoid congestion, as from 8 October, new entrance for u3a is through the James Suite at the side of the Town Hall. The Town Hall is currently undergoing a lot of work making new offices on the ground floor and unless you are on Council business, please use the James Suite entrance.
We have speakers each month talking to us about a number of different topics, a raffle and the latest notices. A warm welcome is guaranteed and you can be sure to make new friends. Doors will be open at 9.50am when any information is given, and speaker/meeting starts at approx. 10.30am.
Please bring your current membership card to the monthly meeting as you will be checked in at the door. You can also obtain membership at the monthly meeting.
It is £10 to join for the year 2024/25. This pays for our monthly speaker, hire of Town Hall and a monthly newsletter. If you wish to receive 5 editions of the Third Age Matters (TAM) magazine, the fee is £14.
Visitors are welcome to the monthly General Meetings with the exception of the AGM and any other u3a Meeting that may specify Full Members only. Temporary Membership of £2 is charged to visitors and a dated Temporary Membership Card will be issued. This confers all the advantages of Waltham Abbey u3a membership, including insurance, until expiry on the day before the next u3a Meeting. Members' and Temporary Members' details will not be shared with or passed to any third party.
Please bring your Membership Card with you to all u3a activities. The group facilitators will ask to see your card at group meetings. Your membership card only lasts for the period stated on the card, and if it is not current your group leader has the right to ask you to leave the group.
Waltham Abbey U3A Registered Charity No. 1173927
Click on a picture below to see it full-size with more details.