Waltham Abbey

Group Sharing

East Herts U3A Group Sharing - From time to time you may wish to link to other U3A sites/Groups and join in with discussions and share activities. The Group Sharing agreement allows Waltham Abbey U3A members to join SELECTED GROUPS in Broxbourne, Buntingford, Cheshunt, Herts & District, Lea Valley and Ware without becoming a member of that U3A. The idea is to assist groups which may be small and needing more members. IF YOU WISH TO JOIN ANY OTHER GROUPS IN THESE U3As you will need to join that U3A.

The interest groups within the above U3As, who wish to open up their group to persons who are not registered members in the host U3A, may do so by following the conditions listed below.

1. Persons joining a group must prove they are a paid up member of one of the U3As above.
2. It is the group leaders’ decision, with agreement from their committee, to open up their interest group to other members from the U3As above.
3. If an interest group becomes oversubscribed then non registered members would be asked to leave or join the host U3A. This is to be made clear to them when they initially join.
4. These arrangements will apply only to interest groups and will not include attendance at main meetings.
5. All issues arising regarding these groups will be referred to the host U3A committee.
6. This is a reciprocal agreement between committees of the U3As above.

The Waltham Abbey Groups that are currently accepting members from other U3As are listed on the Waltham Abbey Group sharing page.