
Book Club

Jane Latus group leader Tel:01208 813185

We meet every two weeks on a Wednesday afternoon in room 2. We read a novel over 4 weeks and then meet to discuss it. The books are usually provided by Wadebridge Library Service - an absolutely vital resource for us. We give the staff a list of titles we would like to read and they have done an excellent job, so far, of responding to our requests. Every other week we read short stories from an anthology that we have purchased. We read aloud in turn and find that this provides an interesting extra element to our enjoyment and understanding of a story. Recently we have added the reading of interesting articles and stories that members of the group have written. At present we have 14 members, which constitutes quite a large group - other reading groups are usually about 10 in number. As the Library sets of books are usually 10 - 12, it is already difficult to ensure that everyone has a copy, so for the time being, anyone else wishing to join us would, unfortunately, have to go on a waiting list.

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Book Club Card Games
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