Uttoxeter & District

The Virtual U3A

The Virtual U3A or vU3a,is an online-only U3A, affiliated to the Third Age Trust.

It is like a local U3A Group except that its activities take place on the Internet.
An important target group for the vU3a is older people who are isolated through location, illness or immobility - but all are welcome. They have members from around the world.
Members of the Virtual U3A are encouraged to form their own informal learning and discussion groups, choose their own topics and share their experiences in the social areas of the site. It follows the principles of participative learning which have made the U3A one of the most successful educational and social groups for older people.
The vU3A's activities are carried out in writing using a secure, membership only, workspace. The vU3A does not create or deliver formal structured online courses.

More information is available on the public website www.vu3a.org

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