Totnes & District

Safeguarding Policy - Group Leaders

Guidance for Group Leaders

If someone discloses abuse to you:

Stay calm and try not to show shock or disbelief
Listen carefully to what they are saying
Be sympathetic (I’m sorry that this has happened to you’)
Be aware of the possibility that medical evidence might be needed
Tell the person that:
They did the right thing to tell you
You are treating the information seriously. It was not their fault
You are going to inform the appropriate person
You/ will take steps to protect and support them
Record and report the disclosure in line with the Procedure

Do Not:

Press the person for more details; this will be done at a later date
Stop someone who is freely recalling significant events (Don’t say ‘hold on, we’ll come back to that later’; they may not tell you or anybody else again)
Do not promise to keep secrets; you cannot keep this kind of information to yourself
Make promises you cannot keep (Such as ‘This will never happen to you again’)
Contact the alleged abuser
Be judgemental

Pass on the information other than to those with a legitimate ‘need-to-know’ under this Policy and Procedure
In your record of the disclosure you should aim to:
Note what people said, using their own words and phrases
Describe the circumstances in which the disclosure came about
Note the setting and anyone else who was there at the time of the abuse or the disclosure
Separate factual information from your own and other’s opinions