You are welcome to come along and try out our u3a before you join.
You can participate in a total of three group activities without any obligation. However, if you wish to continue we will require you to become a full member.
Once you are a full member you are entitled to participate in as many groups as you wish.
- The individual membership fee is £20.00 and runs for the twelve months following our Annual General Meeting.
- Two people living at the same address pay a reduced combined fee of £36.00.
- An individual who joins within the twelve month period will pay £1.50 for each month remaining of the twelve.
- If you are already a member of another u3a then you will pay a reduced rate of £16.00.
How to join Torfaen u3a
Both new and existing members MUST complete a Membership Application Form.
Click on the link on the right to access this document
NOTE: The Application Form can be downloaded or printed for your convenience.
You can renew your membership as follows:
At a Meeting You can pay by cash or cheque at any of our Monthly Meetings.
By Automatic Credit Transfer
Bank Details:
Account Name: Torfaen University of the Third Age
Account Number: 33868567
Sort Code: 20-60-58