
zzz Useful Information

World U3A

You can read about other groups around the world (and us) at

If you are travelling around the world you can visit other U3As through this site.

Our Website Terry Brown

Please be aware that photos from the newsletter are put on our Thurrock U3A website. If you do not want your photo on the website it is up to you to tell the website editor Terry (, Subject Box 'Photo Remove' if you see it in the newsletter, or not have it taken when you are in group activities. No names or contact details will be put with the photo.

Newsletter editor Glenda Stephens

Let me know if you would like your newsletter by email – it saves money and trees (and is better in colour!). I send the email the weekend before the meeting – if yours does not arrive by the Monday before the meeting, please email me.

When I send the U3A emails I send the group by blind copy - bcc - so you only see your email. If I don’t do this, you would see over 250 email addresses at the top of your email. Some members think my emails are individually sent or only for them.

Dead line for next newsletter: Saturday 20th January 2018

There is no newsletter or meeting in December