
Useful links

This page contains a number of useful web addresses. Some are local, eg Thatcham Town Council, and some are of general interest or use such as the Action Fraud web address.

Thames Valley u3a Network

The Objects of Thames Valley u3a Network are to advance the education of members of u3as in the network. In April 2021 they offered 21 zoom tutorials.


The Which? magazine has a useful set of pages which are updated regularly.
Which? magazine scam link

Action Fraud

Find out more about reporting fraud to Action Fraud, including how to report fraud, what they do with our information and why it's so important to report fraud.

Age UK

Age Concern and Help the Aged are now Age UK. Information and advice for the elderly about benefits, care, age discrimination and computer courses.

Free online Computer Tutorials

Home and Learn's free computer courses and tutorials site. All the courses are aimed at complete beginners, so you don't need experience to get started. Simply click a computer course that interests you, and away you go!

Google maps

Highly flexible Google maps. Find a location, get directions, zoom in and out, email it, print it, the options are endless.


Find all 24 government departments and information.

Independent Age

This is also known as RUKBA and has existed for 150 years. It offers advice and support for older age: advice, befriending, information, leaflets.

Thatcham Historical Society

The society exists to promote an interest, not only in the local history of Thatcham and district, but also in historical matters in general. See their web page for further information.

Thatcham Town Council

Provides information about Thatcham of interest to both residents and visitors and details the services made available by the Council.

West Berkshire Council

Gives information about all local government services.