Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that by exploring the site you will be encouraged and motivated to join us.
The u3a is for people wo want to keep active in mind and body, enjoy socialising, and are no longer in full-time employment.
Tadcaster and Villages u3a was successfully launched in 2019 at the Barn in Tadcaster.
We are all volunteers whose aims are to provide people who have retired or semi-retired with opportunities to come together with like-minded people and share their skills and knowledge. u3a members draw on their own experience to teach and learn from each other for pleasure and the reward for learning and personal development. Whilst at the same time enjoying social activities. Our Motto is 'Learn, Laugh, and Live'.
We have a number of group activities and these can be seen by clicking on the 'Groups' button above. The Group Leader contacts are included.
Monthly General Meetings
Our general meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at The OLD BOYS' SUNDAY SCHOOL, Kirkgate, Tadcaster, LS24 9AD. The doors open at 1.30pm with the meeting starting at 2pm. Each month a guest 'Speaker' is invited to give an interesting talk for members to enjoy. Refreshments are available and there is time to chat and make new friends.
The Venue is located between the public path running between Kirkgate Dental Surgery and St Mary's Church.
One Time 'Taster' Visit
Prospective members who are interested in finding more about u3a may come along on a one free 'taster' visit. You will be made very welcomed and there is no obligation to join immediately, so do come along.
Coffee mornings are held on the 1st Thursday of each month from 10.30-11.30am at the Barn, Tadcaster. This is a social event and visitors are welcome to come along to meet and chat with members and learn about u3a and what we do.
For a history of Tadcaster please click the link on the right.
Explore the buttons above to find out more and hopefully you will come along to one of our monthly meetings and 'join us'.