
Creative Writing

Meets at Ceddersfield Hall, Sedgefield.
Weeks 1 & 3, Wednesday 1.30 - 3.30pm

Creative Writing group (currently nine members plus the Group Leader) is a joint venture between Stockton and Sedgefield u3as.

The members read out the stories or poems they’ve written against a theme set by the group leader. All the members of the group are very encouraging of each other’s work and not a session goes by without some fun and laughter.

So, if you’ve always thought you’d like to have a go at writing a story, or some poetry, please come and join us.

Apart from the normal writing sessions, the group leader is also planning three more workshops to be held during the Summer and Autumn. These will be led by skilled facilitators widely recognised for excelling in either poetry or prose.

More Group Pages
Architecture Art Appreciation Bridge Classical Music Appreciation
Creative Writing Crowing Upstarts (Shakespeare) Current Affairs Family History
Film French Gardening German
History with a twist Italian Let's Learn Latin Local History 1 and 2
Lunch Club Movement to Music Our World Pardon My French
Philosophy Photography Poetry Quiz
Reading Group Sewing and Craft Social Coffee Morning Spanish
Theatre Ukulele Walking 1 Walking 2
Walking 3 Wine Tasting
More Group Pages
Architecture Art Appreciation
Bridge Classical Music Appreciation
Creative Writing Crowing Upstarts (Shakespeare)
Current Affairs Family History
Film French
Gardening German
History with a twist Italian
Let's Learn Latin Local History 1 and 2
Lunch Club Movement to Music
Our World Pardon My French
Philosophy Photography
Poetry Quiz
Reading Group Sewing and Craft
Social Coffee Morning Spanish
Theatre Ukulele
Walking 1 Walking 2
Walking 3 Wine Tasting