
Sperrin u3a Special Interest Groups

Members are free to join any of the Special Interest Groups. Groups usually meet between September and June on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. You can join as many Groups as you like. Group membership is included in the Annual Membership Fee but members of each Group are responsible for any additional costs such as room hire, tickets, travel costs and food.

Click on name of Group for more information.

Group List
Book Club
Monday p.m.
Monthly: First Monday at 2:00
Monday p.m.
Monthly: First Monday at 2:00
Bridge 1
Wednesday a.m.
Weekly: Online at 10:30
Wednesday a.m.
Weekly: Online at 10:30
Bridge 2
Friday a.m.
Weekly: Online at 10:30
Friday a.m.
Weekly: Online at 10:30
Coffee 'n Chat
Tuesday a.m.
To be arranged
Tuesday a.m.
To be arranged
Thursday p.m.
Monthly: last Thursday at 2:00
Thursday p.m.
Monthly: last Thursday at 2:00
Let's Go!
 As arranged
 As arranged
 As arranged
 As arrangedTai Chi
Monday a.m.
Weekly at 10:30
Monday a.m.
Weekly at 10:30
Theatre and Film
 As arranged
 As arrangedWalking
Tuesday a.m.
Monthly: third Tuesday
Tuesday a.m.
Monthly: third Tuesday

Click on a picture below to see it full-size with more details.