

The digital Newsletter is available here. Please click on the Link.

Our attractive and eye catching monthly online newsletter was launched in March 2020, coincidentally at the same time as the first lockdown. With the limits of social interactions, it was invaluable in keeping members informed of what was happening within Somerton u3a at that very difficult time.

The newsletter provides information about what the u3a is providing at national level as well as what is happening in Somerton u3a. A regular feature is Group News where individual interest groups can report on what they are doing.

Individual members can contribute articles and photos about their hobbies, travels, interests, poems, jokes and current memes so every edition is very different but more importantly, provides a snapshot of what Somerton u3a is like.

The Newsletter that you see here is the current one. For previous Newsletters, please select the 'Past Newsletters' Button from the Menu Bar.