
Linking from Windows PC

How to put a link to this website onto your PC (revised)

This will save you having to type in our unwieldy web address every time you want to look at our website. Instead, after following the simple steps below, you will be able just to click on an icon (the 'in-name' for a small picture) on your PC.

Basically all you have to do is:

  • find the small icon at the left-hand end of the address bar where the website address is;
  • move the cursor to be on top of this, carefully ignoring any comments which may well appear;
  • then, while pressing the left-hand mouse button and holding it down, drag the cursor onto anywhere on your computer screen's background and release the left-hand mouse button. (The picture below shows this basic, simple idea.)
PC icon

There are a couple of points to note though...

  • first, you will need to make sure that there's a bit of your computer screen's background showing so that there's somewhere for your new icon to be dragged to. You can do this by moving your cursor to near the top of the webpage, holding down the left-hand mouse button and dragging the whole picture down an inch or so to reveal a strip of the background.
  • secondly, you shouldn't create a new icon using the webpage you are looking at, otherwise when you click on your icon you'll always land on this page! You'll need to remember the simple steps above and then use them on our Home page which you can get by entering into your browser.

If you have any problems, please contact the Webmaster by email by clicking Webmaster.

[Posted 16 September 2013]
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