Soar Valley


Q – What does u3a stand for?

A – University of the Third Age. This term has recently been dropped because of the academic implication and the possible interpretation by some that it may be necessary to have qualifications to join a u3a, which is not the case.

Q – Is Soar Valley u3a a charity?

A – Yes, all u3as are independent charities and are subject to Charity Commission regulations. The Registered Charity Number for Soar Valley u3a is 1101205

Q - Do you have to be retired to be a member of Soar valley u3a?

A – You must no longer be in full time employment, so you can be retired or semi-retired.

Q – What is the difference between a Member and an Associate Member?

A – If you are currently a member of another u3a when you join Soar Valley you will join as an Associate Member at a reduced subscription of £9 annually instead of £12. Otherwise, you will be a Member.

Q – Can I be a member of more than one u3a?

A – Yes, there is no limit to the number of u3as you can be a member of.

Q - What sort of people am I likely to meet at Soar Valley u3a?

A - Our members come from all walks of life. One of the joys of the u3a movement is that our members are so varied. Whatever your interests, you will find like minded people. From a discussion during a walk to a formal talk in an interest group, you will find all kinds of interesting things.

Q – How is Soar Valley u3a governed?

A – All u3as operate within a written Constitution. A Management Committee is elected each year, the members of which are also Trustees. Annual financial and membership returns are made to the Third Age Trust.

Q – How are members’ subscriptions used?

A - An annual affiliation fee of £3.50 per member and a fee of £3.10 per household for the Third Age Magazine is paid to the Third Age Trust. Other costs include group subsidies, purchase of equipment, subsidies towards social events plus general operating costs. We are also obliged to maintain an adequate reserve.

Q – Can I Gift Aid my subscription?

A – Yes, you can select the Gift Aid option on the application form.

Q – What happens to my personal data?

A – Your contact details are kept on record during the period of your membership in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations for the purposes of important communications with you. These data are shared with the Third Age Trust but are not revealed to other third parties.

Q – Does Soar Valley u3a interact with other u3as?

A – Yes, we are part of the Nottingham Network of u3as and we occasionally share events with other local u3as.