
Recorder Playing

Group Leader - Diane Horsler

Getting together to make music has been great fun, and we have progressed from playing simple folk tunes to Renaissance and Baroque duets, with some more modern pieces in between. We have played with other local U3A groups and widened our musical experience considerably with our Christmas lunch "gigs".

We are now moving on to four part playing of Early English dances and we would like to extend our range of instruments by including, for instance, not only descant but also treble, tenor and bass recorders. If you have ever played the recorder previously and think you might like to take it up again we would be very pleased to hear from you.

Our group is very friendly and supportive. We meet in the Creche room after the main meeting on the first Friday of the month, and on the third Friday of the month at 9.45 at my house, which is near Alderbrook School.

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Fine Dining French Conversation
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Singing Sunday Lunch Club
Table Tennis Walking
Wine Appreciation