
Exploring Literature

Our sessions run from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm on the third Tuesday of the month. We meet in the home of our Group Leader, Barbara Cooper.

'Old ones, New ones, Loved ones, Neglected ones'.

This sums up our choice of the great writing from the classics and other significant books from which we read during our meetings. This is an exciting opportunity to share passages from novels across the last two to three centuries, from Jane Austen to the present day, with a group of people.

Obviously this is a vast subject and so we need a way to focus our attention on particular books and ideas. We follow a theme and take it in turns to read passages from a series of significant books on that theme. There is some guidance from the group leader to give the passages context, and members of the group might comment or discuss ideas that occur to them.

We have just ended reading from the theme of “Children, young people and education” looking at novels from the eighteenth to the twenty first century. We have recently begun our new theme of, “The Place of Women in Society”.

We have tea or coffee half way through the session and contribute 30p each toward the cost of this.

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More Group Pages
Amblers Group Arts Appreciation
Arts Group Basic Italian
Book Group 1 Book Group 2
Britain from above Craft
Cribbage Current affairs
Gardening Jazz appreciation
M.O.T.O. (See Page) Music appreciation
People in History Philosophy
Photography Placing History
Play Reading Poetry
Quiz Scrabble/Rummikub
Striders Walking Group Sunday lunch club
Whist Group Wine Appreciation