Rowlands Castle

Wine Tasting

The group meet on a Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. Dates are arranged at each meeting to suit the majority of members.

Usually the group will meet in members’ houses although occasionally a trip out will be organised.

Each member pays a contribution towards the cost of the wine with a limit of £5 per person.

This is run as a typical U3A group with different members of the group leading each meeting with perhaps a new wine or one of their favourites.

It is expected two or three bottles of wine will be tasted and discussed at each meeting. A background of the wine – grape, region – maybe an expert comment – will also be provided where possible.

More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Bridge for Enjoyment Current Affairs Cycling
Film Club History Italian Luncheon
Nature Walking Philosophy Play Reading Poetry Reading
Quizzing Science and Technology Spanish Improvers Table Tennis
Travel Walking Wine Tasting
More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Bridge for Enjoyment
Current Affairs Cycling
Film Club History
Italian Luncheon
Nature Walking Philosophy
Play Reading Poetry Reading
Quizzing Science and Technology
Spanish Improvers Table Tennis
Travel Walking
Wine Tasting