
TRUSTEES 2023/24

Chair - Lesley White: 01709 518 248

Treasurer - Christine Beresford: 01709 544 372

Business Secretary, Trustees - Terry Maloney: 01709 548 132

Business Secretary, Co-ordinators - Angela Bintcliffe: 07711 290 829

Membership Secretary - Sue Cable: 01709 379 379

Newsletter Editor and Web Manager - Rosalind Duckmanton: 01709 543 444

Publicity Officer - Tricia Macredie: 01709 370 899

Deputy Treasurer - Bruce Cable: 07306 072 660


Participating Observer - Don Kellam: 01709 816 398


Further information is available from the Group Co-ordinators, or Membership Secretary - Sue Cable (see above for phone number or Contacts to email).

Click on a picture below to see it full-size with more details.