

How to become a member of Ringmer u3a


• Annual membership of Ringmer u3a for 2023-2024 costs £10. Full details on Membership form.
• In addition, there may be a small group fee per session e.g. refreshments, materials etc.


Members will receive the following benefits:

• Three issues of the Ringmer u3a Newsletter
• Four e-bulletins to update members between newsletters
• Five issues of “Third Age Matters”, the national u3a magazine
• Access to various local interest groups
• Access to activities, such as residential courses, run by u3a nationally
• Access to activities, such as study days and workshops, run by the Sussex u3a Network

Applying for Membership and Membership Renewal

Enrolment Notes

It is particularly important that you read the enrolment notes as they provide you with various options on how to complete/return the Membership form and pay your membership fee. Click the Enrolment Notes 2023-2024 link to view the notes.

New Members

If you are not currently a member of Ringmer u3a, it is suggested that you contact the Convener of any group you wish to join, in order to find out if there is room for you in that Group or Groups. To contact a group convener go to the GROUPS page, select the group that is of interest, on the group page using the "click to send a message!" (blue bird) link complete and submit the group online form.

If you have any questions on membership, please contact the Membership Secretary by clicking on the CONTACT page and under the "Contact Us" heading using the online form select the Membership Secretary, complete and submit the form.

If you would like to become a member, please click on Membership form, download and complete the form and along with the membership fees return to the Membership Secretary (the address to send the completed form and fees is given on the form).

Membership Renewals

Please click on Membership form, download and complete the form and return to the Membership Secretary, either include membership fees when returning the form or arrange payment as detailed in the enrolment notes (the address to send the completed form and fees is given on the form).