

Welcome to Pontyclun u3a

Croeso i Brifysgol y Drydedd Oes Pontyclun

u3a is a UK wide movement that gives the opportunity for retired and semi-retired people to come together to develop new skills, share interests and make new friends in an informal and friendly atmosphere.

We are a thriving local group with around 200 members and 18 interest groups.

If you are retired or semi-retired and feel like a new challenge, or you'd like to rekindle a past interest and make new friends, we'd love to meet you. Come along to one of our monthly meetings - see our Events page. Or have a look at one of our Groups. We are sure you will find something to interest you. You are welcome to try any of our interest groups for one month free of charge. Just go to the relevant Group page and click the link to contact the Group Leader.

There is also plenty of useful information on the main u3a website and you can sign up for the new Friends Extra u3a newsletter which gives you access to discounts on shopping, holidays etc.

Follow this link https://www.u3a.org.uk/news/newsletter

You can also get in touch by contacting one of our Committee Members via the Contact page.

Our last Group Meeting with our Chair Chris updating the members whilst waiting for our Speaker.

Annual subscription is £15 which covers all the groups you may wish to join and entrance to our monthly meeting which take place on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Community Centre in Pontyclun. The main meeting starts at 1.30 with information from the Chair followed by a different speaker each month.

Doors open at 1.15 for tea and coffee.