Event & Monthly Meeting Reports
This Page contains reports on past Events and Monthly Meetings.
Notes on Meeting of Wednesday 5th June 2018
Chairman’s welcome, one visitor.
Speaker Roger Jermy ‘Forestry in WW1 & WW2’
The history of Canadian lumberjacks brought into Northumberland to fell timber needed for the war effort in 1914 and 1939 on.
He showed photographic records.
Vote of thanks by Chairman.
Notices: a record of meetings and speakers to be kept as in the past; notes to go on the web-site for future reference.
There are still subscriptions out-standing.
Conveners announcements.
Walking Country Dancing to start on Tuesday 10th July 2-4pm £4.00 per head.
Tai Chi is now down to one class 4.40 – 5.40 Wednesday 11th July 16, 2018
Garden Group 1 -Tuesday 17th July Meet Memorial Hall 1.45, £7.00 entry
Lunch Club - Wednesday 18th July 12.00 for 12.20 Golf Club, contact Joan Varley.
Veg. and Plant Group – Coldcoates Thursday 18th July, Capheaton Hall 9th August
Coach Outing Thursday 30th August still spaces, money due.
May 1st, 'Tyneside Theatre, Past and Present'
Margaret Dodds gave a very informative and entertaining talk on the Tyneside Theatre. She started with facts and reminisces of the Newsreels, such as Pathe News, which most people remembered and then spoke of the slow decline of newsreel cinema with the coming of televisions in the home. The Tyneside Theatre is the sole surviving UK newsreel cinema. We were then told of the life of the Tyneside Cinema itself, its decline, restoration and resurgence to the present day. Its many functions from providing facts and films about the past, to film showings on a variety of genres to the delights of the coffee shop and bar were explored in the question and answer session at the end. If anyone is interested there are free tours around the cinema, four days a week.
July 3rd, '100 Top Geordies'
On Wednesday 3rd July, an audience of 75, including 12 visitors, welcomed Anthony Atkinson who gave an entertaining talk on ‘100 Top Geordies’. The list was drawn up about five years ago by readers of the Chronicle newspaper. Not surprisingly perhaps, there were only 13 women on the list and nineteen footballers! There were also two recipients of the VC, engineers and philanthropists, plus representatives from the Arts. A good time was had by all.