
Suggested New Groups

Here is a list of possible new groups that have been suggested by members, and the numbers of people to have expressed an interest already. Most of them as yet do not have sufficient numbers to get the group started. If you feel that you would like to be involved in setting up or joining any of these please let our Group Co-ordinator know.

Mary Burn has now taken over as our Group Co-ordinator, and will be pleased to talk to any member regarding either the setting up of a new group or joining an existing group. You can contact Mary by email as our (Groups Co-ordinator). Alternatively any Committee member will be able to provide help and information.

  • Walking Football -- 1 person so far
  • Meditation -- 1 person so far
  • Seated Exercise
  • Technology -- 2 people so far - Perhaps a 'Shed' group. Members taking turns to share an interest, hobby or expertise. For lady and gentleman shed owners and also the shedless.
  • Book Reading Groups -- People who expressed an interest earlier in the year have been accommodated within existing groups. These groups are always popular, however, and if there is anybody, whether a new member or longer-standing, who also wishes to join or be involved in setting up another Reading group please contact our Group Co-ordinator who will provide you with the necessary help.
  • Whist Group -- 5 people. They would like 8 for 2 tables.
  • Dominoes -- 1 person.
  • Scrabble from Scratch -- There have been expressions of interest in such a group; we have hopes it may be able to begin before too long. See our News Page for any further information on developments.

There has also been interest expressed in a Handbells Group, and an "Outings" group, and more recently, Dance (any type) and a Craft group (Card making, Applique, etc). An Outings group could obviously include a lot of activities indeed. Is anybody interested in setting up such a group?