North Wilts


Prospective members are welcome to come to two u3a meetings as prospective members to see if 'The u3a is for them'. However, we do ask for a contribution from visitors of £2 towards the cost of room hire and speaker, and 50p towards tea/coffee and biscuits.

To join please come to a monthly meeting in the Rotary Club Hall, Station Road, Chippenham ( see 'Events') where you will be welcome to meet Committee Members.
If you would like to become a member but cannot get to a monthly meeting please download the membership form from the 'links' page or write via the contact page and a form and subscription details will be sent to you.

To pay your annual subscription of £15.00 for 2023 (£27 for two people at the same address) please pay by direct bank transfer to ‘North Wilts U3A’ account at HSBC Sort Code 40-17-17 account number 71419927 giving your name and if possible membership number. It is recommended that anyone paying in this method informs our membership secretary by phone or email to ensure the 'loop is closed'. We regret we are unable to accept cheques, please pay by bank transfer or in cash at a monthly meeting.