North Cotswold

Open Meetings

Our programme is listed below.

Our regular Monthly Open Meetings are held at the Willersey Village Hall which has ample parking on the second Thursday of each month starting at 2.00pm and usually finishing by 4.00pm. The Village Hall is situated off the Willersey High Street on the B4632 between Broadway & Mickleton.

We ask for a donation of £2 per person attending any of our open meetings. These include refreshments served at the end. You will be able to talk to other members who will be happy to tell you about our Groups and Activities.

So do come along and join us as you will be made very welcome.

We would particularly like to welcome new members at our Open Meetings. Please speak with John Bissett on the door, he will introduce you to a member of the Committee who will be happy to answer your questions and tell you more about our activities and groups.

Open Meetings Transport

The committee would like to facilitate lifts for those u3a members who would like to attend the Monthly Open Meetings but do not have transport.

If you are a member who would like a lift or a member prepared to offer a lift, please contact the Chairman.