
Social Group

Led by: Valerie

When: twice monthly 2nd and 4th Fridays 11am – 12.30pm during term time.

Where: Steam Bar or Heron Centre

This is an ideal time for new members to get to know each other and existing members.

This small friendly group meets for refreshments fortnightly on a Friday during term time. Notification of venue is sent to group members by email.

Outings or other local future events are often discussed at these meetings, and mutually convenient times arranged between the group members for attending such events.

After refreshments members often go for a stroll, weather permitting.

Silver Screen at the Lighthouse Cinema, Newquay

This very popular morning cinema session on Thursday mornings at 11am during the school term time. Price of the ticket includes a tea/coffee and biscuits. This is also a good place to meet up with fellow members.

More Group Pages
Antiques and Collectables Badminton Book Club Bridge
Chess Cinema Club Cornish Dancing Craft Group
Cycling Family History Food with Friends French Conversation
Garden Appreciation Gardening Indoor Games Groups Meditation for Relaxation
MOTO (members on their own) Music Appreciation Nature: Geology and Wildlife Outings
Photography Saunter Group Singing for Fun Social Group
Sunday Lunch Table Tennis Technology Support Tennis for Fun
Walking Group Walking Group (Longer) Writing for Pleasure Yoga
More Group Pages
Antiques and Collectables Badminton
Book Club Bridge
Chess Cinema Club
Cornish Dancing Craft Group
Cycling Family History
Food with Friends French Conversation
Garden Appreciation Gardening
Indoor Games Groups Meditation for Relaxation
MOTO (members on their own) Music Appreciation
Nature: Geology and Wildlife Outings
Photography Saunter Group
Singing for Fun Social Group
Sunday Lunch Table Tennis
Technology Support Tennis for Fun
Walking Group Walking Group (Longer)
Writing for Pleasure Yoga