Newhaven & Peacehaven

Latest News

Read the latest Bulletin: 03 Bulletin 2024 Mar.
Read the latest Newsletter: Newsletter 2024 04 Apr.

We have copies of Newsletters and Bulletins dating to August 2019.
If you would like to view any of these publications please contact the Webmaster.

About our Bulletins
1. Includes only u3a information required by the members between publication of each Newsletter.
2. Published and distributed digitally at the beginning of each month to members that have access to the internet. (Except months in which the Newsletter is published)
3. A limited number of printed copies of the Bulletin will be available at each monthly meeting.
4. All content for inclusion should be submitted to the Editor by the 26th of the month prior to publication.
5. Please send content in digital format (using email or email attachments) directly to the Editor.
6. Please send handwritten content to Jacquie Webber for typing and forwarding onto the Editor prior the 26th of the month preceding publication.

About our Newsletters
Our Newsletter is published 3 times a year, at the beginning of April, August and December. It contains items of interest for our members and the latest information on the activities and events of the groups and clubs together with important dates for your diaries.

The Newsletter is published on the website at the end of the preceding month to the issue month. It may be collected at the Monthly Meeting for the relevant month and members who are unable to collect them at the Monthly Meeting will receive them by post.
If you would prefer to receive the Newsletter in digital form by email only. Please contact Webmaster to register.

1. Includes the latest news and events, articles, jokes and members contributions.
2. Published in time for our monthly meetings in April, August and December.
3. Digital distribution to members that have access to the internet.
4. Available for collection at the monthly meeting or distributed by hand or post for members that do not have access to the internet.
5. All content for inclusion should be submitted to the Editor by 16th of the month preceding publication.
6. Please send content in digital format (using email or email attachments) directly to the Editor.
7. Please send handwritten content to Jacquie Webber for typing and forwarding onto the Editor prior to the 16th of the month preceding publication.

For those with internet access you can sign up directly to the u3a National Newsletter. This is filled with information, stories and advice and continues to be a two way conversation between the whole u3a movement.