
Some previous topics -Industrial History

Members were treated to a gem of a talk on Friday the 6th October 2017 by Raymond Rayner on his chosen subject of "Memories of Newcastle Airport". In fact Raymond's talk started with photographs, taken at Woolsington's predecessor at Cramlington, of Sir Alan Cobham's Flying Circus as they toured the country trying to inspire interest in this relatively new form of transport. Raymond explained how Woolsington was chosen after four alternative sites were considered. He talked us through its use during the War years, the rapid development of airlines in the 1950s, visits by Concorde, and right up to date with the latest flights by Emirates Airline. There was much reminiscing by some members of their time doing National Service working on many of the aircraft types mentioned and yet others remembered their first holiday flights out of Newcastle. An altogether brilliant and well received talk by Raymond.

We were reminded that the next meeting is on Friday 3rd November when we are all asked to contribute to a discussion of how the Chemical Industry was fundamental to the Industrial Revolution

The group met for our first meeting of the year (2015) on Friday 6th February and discussed the boyhood of George Stephenson and how his genius evolved from humble beginnings.

For the March meeting the Group had a very enjoyable trip out to visit the birth place of George Stephenson at Wylam. The National Trust guide gave a very comprehensive talk on his early life.

At the monthly meeting at Brunswick on the 8th April, Malcolm Smith gave a talk on ‘The Life of George Stephenson‘

The meeting on the 1st of May 2015 was led by Alexa who gave an excellent review of some of the overseas work of Robert Stephenson.

At the meeting on Friday 5th June, we talked about the planning and construction of the High Level Bridge. We met at 1.00 pm in the Bridge Hotel, at the Newcastle end of the Bridge.

Previously we have looked at Lead Mining in the area and taken a tour of the Killhope Mines and Museum, considered the development of the Town Moor, had a talk led by Waveney about Corn Roads, visited the Railway Museum at York and investigated the Tynemouth piers and discussed their construction during an on site visit.

The visit to Lindisfarne was very interesting and enjoyable despite the weather! We investigated the lime exporting industry of the island of 150 years ago and a few other interesting gems.
Follow the link, Lime from Lindisfarne to see a report of the visit.

We have planning discussions during each meeting to see where people's interests lie.
The many opportunities for outside visits were suggested eg ‘The Corn Roads', ‘Cragside' 'Tyne Bridges' at our last planning meeting.
It was thought best that these were carried out on a ad hoc basis outwith the regular monthly meeting.

As with all groups in U3A, please let the Group Leader know in good time if you intend to come, as we might change plans at the last moment.