Melton Mowbray

Strolling 1

Leader:Christine Bluett
Meeting:3rd Wednesday of the month, 14:00-16:00 but may change
Last Updated:November 2021

The Strolling Groups are aimed at those members who would like to get out and about in the fresh air, but are not able to go too far or too quickly.

Due to lockdown, we were unable to stroll much in 2020 but this year we have managed to do some walks and we look forward to continuing this into the new year.

Members of all abilities are welcome to join us including those who use a mobility scooter. You will walk only as far or as quickly as you like. There will be circular walks of varying distance over very easy terrain and members can stroll along at their own pace or just sit on a bench and enjoy the fresh air if that’s all they want to do. No-one will be on their own. We will always meet back at the starting point where we can get refreshments and have a friendly chat.

So, whatever your ability, if you fancy some fresh air and friendly chat please contact the leader to find out where our next meet up will be.
There are 2 groups and you can belong to either or both. We may well join up sometimes if numbers are low so days and times may change according to circumstances.

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Bridge Duplicate Bridge for Beginners Classical Music Cribbage
Croquet Cycling for Fun Discussion: Being Human Discussion: Ethical
Drama Family History 1 Family History 2 Flower Arranging
French Beginners French: Conversation Gardening German
Guitar for Beginners Guitar: Practice & Performance Indoor Bowls Italian (Early Intermediate Level)
Italian Beginners Latin Line Dancing Line Dancing Beginners
Litter Picking Luncheon Group (GK) Mah Jong 1 Mah Jong 2
Maths for Fun Mens Well Being Needlecraft New Age Kurling 1
New Age Kurling 2 Outings Patchwork & Quilting Patchwork 2
Petanque Philosophy Discussion Photography Play Reading
Poetry for Pleasure 1 Poetry for Pleasure 2 QiGong Reading Dawson
Reading Group 1 Reading Jenny Reading Tuesday Morning Reading Young
Recorder Science Matters Scrabble Club Silver Tones Singing
Singles 3 Spanish Beginners Spanish Conversation Strolling 1
Strolling 2 Strolling 3 Strolling 4 Strolling 5
Tai Chi & Qigong The Retro Group Theatre Walking 1st Thursday
Walking 2nd Monday Walking 3rd Wednesday Wood Carving Writing for Pleasure
More Group Pages
Art Beadweaving
Biography Book Club1 Biography Book Club2
Bridge Duplicate Bridge for Beginners
Classical Music Cribbage
Croquet Cycling for Fun
Discussion: Being Human Discussion: Ethical
Drama Family History 1
Family History 2 Flower Arranging
French Beginners French: Conversation
Gardening German
Guitar for Beginners Guitar: Practice & Performance
Indoor Bowls Italian (Early Intermediate Level)
Italian Beginners Latin
Line Dancing Line Dancing Beginners
Litter Picking Luncheon Group (GK)
Mah Jong 1 Mah Jong 2
Maths for Fun Mens Well Being
Needlecraft New Age Kurling 1
New Age Kurling 2 Outings
Patchwork & Quilting Patchwork 2
Petanque Philosophy Discussion
Photography Play Reading
Poetry for Pleasure 1 Poetry for Pleasure 2
QiGong Reading Dawson
Reading Group 1 Reading Jenny
Reading Tuesday Morning Reading Young
Recorder Science Matters
Scrabble Club Silver Tones Singing
Singles 3 Spanish Beginners
Spanish Conversation Strolling 1
Strolling 2 Strolling 3
Strolling 4 Strolling 5
Tai Chi & Qigong The Retro Group
Theatre Walking 1st Thursday
Walking 2nd Monday Walking 3rd Wednesday
Wood Carving Writing for Pleasure