Melton Mowbray

Italian (Early Intermediate Level)

Leader:C.J. Rupp
Meeting:2nd & 4th Thursdays 10:00-11:30am
Venue:Tesco's Training Room (Thorpe Road)

We are a small group, currently 5 people. We meet at Tesco's on 2 Thursdays in a month, in an upper room. One of our main activities is free conversation in Italian, so it helps to have some knowledge of Italian and a certain amount of confidence in your ability to use it. We also read books and articles in Italian, as a group, translating into English as we go, and listen to recordings of spoken Italian. However, we would have to admit that the texts are often those simplified for learners of the language and the recordings usually come from a site called News in Slow Italian.

New members with some existing knowledge of Italian are most welcome.

There is now also an Italian Beginners' Group, see the relevant group page.

We have a collection of language learning CDs for members to borrow.

Here is a further list of online resources for learners of Italian.

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Family History 2 Flower Arranging
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Gardening German
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Walking 1st Thursday Walking 2nd Monday
Walking 3rd Wednesday Wood Carving
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