Melbourn & District

about Melbourn & District u3a

Our u3a started in 1994 and our members hail from South Cambridgeshire and North Hertfordshire. We comprise over 30 groups yoga, walks, music, art, history ...

In 2024 our website moved to Melbourn and District u3a so the information below may be outdated

In a sense Melbourn & District u3a is an umbrella organisation enabling a variety of groups. These groups are informal, mutual and self-supporting rather than the teacher and student format. There are no exams, but there is learning, exercising and socialising.

In some groups, a leader brings professional experience and in other groups, members share the role to build greater skill or understanding. Newcomers are welcomed regardless of experience or knowledge. Indeed if you've a hobby you want to form a group around we might be able to help make it happen. Meetings and activities are held in the morning or afternoon, in people's houses or in hired local halls. Sometimes there's a small charge to cover a cost.

We hold a monthly general meeting in a local hall, with a guest speaker, at 2.45 pm on the third Wednesday of most months. We also broadcast the live meeting on Zoom. We keep you up to date with a monthly Newsletter and occasional emails within a group.

There is a national organisation called the Third Age Trust, a registered charity, to which Melbourn & District u3a is affiliated. They offer us a further programme of events and courses and projects that work well on a national level. The Trust enables the exchange of ideas between the 1000 or so other u3as comprising over 400,000 members. Our subscription includes an amount due to the Trust. This u3a link will take you to the National u3a website > What is the U3A?.