

To renew your membership simply pay £20 by BACS or send a cheque to the Membership Secretary. There is no need to complete the Membership Form unless your details have changed in the past year.

If you have any photographs or articles for the Newsletter please contact the Newsletter Editor Sue Westrup.

To join Medway U3A please contact the Membership Secretary - visit the "Join" page for more information

LIBRARIES: We have a great relationship with our local libraries and appreciate all that they do to support us. However, libraries are working to expand the range of activities and resources available to local residents and are trying to find what other service they could offer to residents aged 50 and over. They already do a lot but they have asked for any ideas we may have. If you do have any, please send them to Sarah Jenkin who is the Community Librarian. Her email address is Sarah Jenkin

From time to time we are given information about events in the Medway Towns and details will be entered here with links to websites.

If you would like to add something to this page please contact the Website Administrator Mark Seed or Kevin Booth

Take the opportunity to visit the Medway U3A Facebook Page which has been set up recently