English Country Dancing
Group Organiser | Carol and Peter Clark |
Venue | Strood Archive Centre |
Meeting Days | Tuesday Fortnightly (pm) |
Group Vacancies? | Yes |
Summary of what you have done for the year.
Each afternoon’s programme usually consists of a mix of old and new dances, some easy and some more difficult. Everyone is encouraged to join in all the dances, even our new members, because with a critical mass of experienced dancers beginners find it easy to find their feet (so to speak!).
We have 27 regular members on our books but on average there are 15 dancers each session. Despite the high numbers, we don't want to turn away new members but will consider a waiting list if regular attendances exceed 20. At the present time, we aren't able to offer a new group as time pressures and accommodation availability can be problematic.
Some of our more experienced members each have one or several dances, which they can call; this means that we would not have a problem if the Group Leader could not attend. We also have a secretary/treasurer (as recommended by the recent Group Leaders’ Meeting) who checks attendance, collects the money and pays it to Medway Council.
This is a very friendly and enthusiastic group and members are very appreciative of all aspects of the work put in to make it run smoothly.
For further information please contact Carol and Peter Clark