Art Appreciation
Group Organiser | Shelly Green |
Venue | Member House |
Meeting Days | Last Wednesday of the Month |
Group Vacancies? | Yes |
We are a friendly group of 8 – 12 people, who meet on the last Wednesday afternoon 2.30-4.30 pm each month at a hospitable member's home in Rochester.
We are interested in all forms of Art. Each month a member volunteers to present an art topic to the rest of the group, followed by a lively discussion.
We explore artists from Rembrandt's self portraits, Rubens' voluptuous models, Constables' landscapes to the Impressionists e.g. Turner, Monet. Pre Raphaelites e.g. D G Rossetti, Ford Maddox Brown. From the MAD Dadoist duck obsessed Max Ernst to the BAD notorious murdering Caravaggio. Also modern/contemporary artists e.g. Grayson Perry, the Mexican Freda Kahlo, War Artists e.g. Paul Nash. Architecture and sculpture e.g. Jacob Epstein.
As a couple of our members have recently left, due to moving away, new members are welcome.
Ted Bower (Projectionist)
For more information please contact Shelly Green