Lyndhurst & District


Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month, except August, from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm (doors open 2 pm) in The Lyndhurst Community Centre.

The monthly meeting include a short business session and an entertaining and informative talk by an invited speaker.
Afterwards there is time to chat with old and new friends over free refreshments including cake, biscuits, tea and coffee. This is the opportunity to find out more about available interest groups from the notices on the tables at the back. Committee members and Group leaders will be on hand to answer any questions and there will be the opportunity to join if you have not already done so.

The Lyndhurst Community Centre is the top of the main car park in the village centre. The car park is Pay and Display until 6 pm and NFDC Parking Clocks can be used.

The Interest Group meetings are shown on the Interest Groups page. Other activities which are open to all members, such as outings organised by the groups, study days, workshops and similar will be listed below and usually on the notice boards at the back of the hall before and after the main meeting

Dates for your Diary
Wed Oct 9th Legacy Fortress for Generations, a presentation by Silvertime Legal. A simple guide to inheritance Tax; the options available that may benefit us as individuals; the topic of care and how each one of us are expected to pay for our own long-term care fees. We’ll also hear about Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney and much more.
Wed Nov 13th SANDRA SIMMONDS. A day in Iran as a housewife.
Wed Dec 11th A Christmas Party with entertainment.