

Our group meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, from 10.00 till 11.30 at Colville House. We take it in turns to lead the group, which has ten members at present. New members would not be expected to lead, until they feel at ease with their own writing and confident enough to help us explore a new theme. Recent topics have included:

1. Two sessions on exploring the "Art for All" group's pictures as an opportunity to write stories and poems.

2. The importance of dialogue: beginning a piece of writing with a conversation, without describing your characters.

3. A given intro-sentence to expand into a narrative. Word associations from a variety of shapes, e.g. a tree, a fish. Providing an ending for us to write a beginning and a middle.

4. "Hands-on holidays:" examples for the group to expand, from a choice of working holidays.

5. Story-creation from the pictures revealed after throwing a set of story-dice.

6. Create one or two characters from a choice of good/bad traits, then choose an event that triggers a change in one or both characters.

7. Play-writing: bullets to begin, i.e. setting, time, season, characters. Develop a play.

If you fancy a taster, please don't be discouraged. Until you feel at ease with a piece you have written, you would not be expected to read it out on your first session or two. At each meeting, we do offer a topic for homework, but this is not compulsory!
Ours is a friendly and relaxed group and we often enjoy a chuckle.
Occasionally we chose a venue to visit to search for further inspiration, or invite a local author to speak to the group.
If you feel that you would like to give us a try, you would be most welcome.
For more information please contact the Group Co-ordinator at groups@u3a-lowestoft.org.uk

More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Art for All Bookworms Bridge
Bridge Canasta Coffee Morning Coffee Morning
Computer - Clinic Country Dancing Family History - Beginners French Improvers
Lunch Mixed Crafts Monthly Meeting Music Appreciation
Quiz Group Rambling / Walking Group Rummikub Scrabble
Short mat Bowls Social History Spanish Table Tennis
Whist Drive Writers
More Group Pages
Art Appreciation Art for All
Bookworms Bridge
Bridge Canasta
Coffee Morning Coffee Morning
Computer - Clinic Country Dancing
Family History - Beginners French Improvers
Lunch Mixed Crafts
Monthly Meeting Music Appreciation
Quiz Group Rambling / Walking Group
Rummikub Scrabble
Short mat Bowls Social History
Spanish Table Tennis
Whist Drive Writers