As stated in the LRU3A Constitution, one of our core objectives is to support and help u3as to be more effective and efficient. Our intention is to build up a collection of material highlighting good practice on particular subjects relevant to all our London Region u3as - shared learning. This webpage particularly hosts this collection of information.
Peer Groups: these exist for mutual support and sharing of good practice amongst members holding similar committee or other responsibilities. Such networks currently exist for Communicators, Groups Coordinators, IT/Webmasters, and Treasurers. For further information click here: PEER SUPPORT
Apart from these Peer Groups forming networks across the London Region there are national networks. You can find out more on this webpage: NETWORKS & OTHER GROUPINGS OF u3as
Shared Practice Guides (SPGs): These SPGs have been developed jointly by London u3as via discussions at Delegate Meetings, Peer Groups and other LRU3A activities. These will be in addition to, rather than replacing, any u3a national advice provided through the national website.
The SPGs created to date are as listed below. We hope you will use them, share them, and contribute to building on the subject and with any updates required.
- SPG001-Cloud Storage revised & updated
- SPG002-Volunteering see also material from recent workshop: Recruiting and Valuing Volunteers
- SPG003-Website Software Programs
- SPG004-Communications
- SPG005-Beacon Tutorial for Coordinators
- SPG006-Induction of New Members
- SPG007-Induction of Trustees
- SPG008-Online Meetings Software
- SPG009-Zoom Guide for Hosts
- SPG010-Zoom Guide for Participants
- SPG011-Copyright Matters
- SPG012-Forming a Peer Group and now the national link: Forming a PSG
- SPG013-Hybrid Meetings see also this link: Goring Gap Guide
- SPG014-GDPR Audit
- SPG015-Converting PowerPoint to Video
- SPG016-Using Mailchimp
- SPG017-Online Forms
- SPG018-Bank Card Readers
- SPG019-Use of Alias email Addresses
- SPG020-Recruiting Committee Members
- SPG021-Managing Full Groups
While not SPGs, the following documents might be of interest also:
Risk Management is a requirement for all charities. u3as should be conducting 'Risk Assessments' (RA) for many of their activities. There are sample risk assessment templates on the national website under the Suport & Advice section: Risk Assessment. See also guidance here: RA Forum.
For your accounts, while we might recommend of the Finance module in Beacon, if you just want to use Excel then we have developed a standard workbook template. You can adapt this to your specific needs: Accounts Template. Also there is a national Guide on Banking issues, for info: Banking Guide
Hybrid Meetings: after the Covid-19 pandemic we have become familar with online and hybrid meetings. Apart from the relevant SPG listed above the following documents might assist in undestand how to hold these and the implications of these:
SiteWorks: the purpose of this section is just to provide a few links to other sites for information about the SiteWorks software (based on WordPress) for websites. The rollout by the Trust of SiteWorks is ongoing so some of this information here might become out of date. In no particular order:
SW Development Website
SW Lets Talk Tech-Website Setup
SW Live u3a Websites
SW Forum
SW Example PGS
SW Starter Site Option1
SW Starter Site Option2
SW Progress Update
Speakers: struggling to find speakers at your monthly meetings then have a look at the national list: Speakers List.
For Committees: to review overal status of their u3a: Health Check WORD or Health Check EXCEL
For Treasurers: Finance Presentation and the Trust's Sample Finance Policy template can be downloaded from Advice for u3as (then select Finance from the listing on the right handside).
For a summary of u3a Trustee responsibilities please look here: Trustee Jigsaw
For information on how to use the brand see: Brand Guidelines
Thinking about setting up a website for your u3a and want to know how to use the supplied generic 'Site Builder' program, look here: Sitebuilder Manual.
For a good summary and guide on GDPR see the Trust's YouTube Know about GDPR. See also the SPG developed above.
Have you got Role Descriptions in place for all your main positions, Committee roles and others? If not the following listing might give you some 'go-bys' to set up your own: Role Description Register
Newsletters: to see a variety of newsletter styles and maybe get som ideas, have a look here: Newsletter/Leaflet Samples
LRU3A has a Zoom Pro account with the add-on for Large Participants meetings. This is available for London Region u3as. If your u3a wants to book a slot please email our Communications Coordinator (details on our CONTACTS page).
If you need further help, please contact your IT/Webmaster.
For information about various computer 'stuff' a good site created by Ravenshead u3a can be seen here: Computer Guides or Exmouth have loads of advice aswell: Exmouth u3a IT Help
The national u3a website also has other useful templates and guidance. These can be viewed under the Support for u3as tab.
Apart from commenting on any the above documents, if there are any other particular subjects you would like to suggest for creation of a SPG, please drop the Webeditor an email, via our CONTACT web page. Thanks.