Locks Heath

Bird Watching

Contact Derek

See the reports here>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The Bird Watching Group meets as arranged, strolls around for about 2 hours looking for birds or any wildlife followed by lunch in a local pub.

You don't need to go far to see some great wildlife, there is some near you. There are very well known sites across the UK, National Parks, National nature reserves, RSPB reserves and WWT (Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust) reserves, but there are many other great wildlife spots all over the place. Every county has a wildlife trust that will run a series of local reserves, county councils have their own nature reserves and there are plenty of other places where there is ample wildlife.

This area is surrounded by Nature Reserves, woodlands, wetlands, open country, the Hamble river and the foreshore of the Solent. It is on the migration route for many species that fly to and from Africa and others such as ducks, geese and waders that overwinter here from as far away as Scandinavia and Siberia. -----

This has to be paradise for bird watchers whatever the season! Many reserves are Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Sites of Importance for Nature conservation and Special areas of Conservation (SAC). The salt marshes and mudflats of the Solent including river estuaries are of international importance and designated a RAMSAR Site.

This group is a joint venture with Solent U3A

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Bird Watching Book 1
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Knitting Yarn Luncheon Group
Petanque Scrabble
Shepperd Singers SKITTLES
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