Leyburn & District

Policies of Leyburn and District U3A

Leyburn and District U3A
These policies are summaries of the national policies which may be seen on the national website.

Leyburn and District U3A
Health and Safety Policy
(adopted Oct 2018)

As U3A members, we are all presumed to be adult and behave responsibly.
The vast majority of our group’s activities are regarded as low risk, ie they present no significant dangers. However, some carry a higher risk and so consideration must be given to reducing it.
Emergency contact details should be provided where appropriate.

We have all been subconsciously carrying out risk assessments since we were children, and as adults have considered the safety of others. Being a member of the U3A in no way changes this.

Leyburn and District U3A
Equal Opportunities Policy
(adopted Oct 2018)

Leyburn and District U3A pursue an equal opportunities policy, and as far as it is possible,
we provide equality of treatment to any person in their third age.
This requires members to treat each other with respect and courtesy at all times.

Leyburn and District U3A
Safeguarding Policy
(adopted Oct 2018)

We neither condone or tolerate any form of abuse or neglect.
If either occurs, we all have a duty to respond in a caring fashion.
This should be carried out in confidence, but where necessary, information will be shared as appropriate.

Leyburn and District U3A
Privacy Policy and Data Protection
(adopted Oct 2018)

This sets out how we process your information and how we use it.
The Data Controller is your committee.
We collect your information annually when you complete a membership form; we ask for
your name, address, telephone number, and email address.

We may also collect your next-of-kin details on occasions when appropriate.
We use this information to:
Manage your membership, eg to record your subscription and send you the
Newsletter and notice of meetings.

We pass your address to the Third Age Trust so that they can send you the
magazine. We do not share your data, apart from for this reason.

We keep your details for 12 months after you have left in case you wish to rejoin.
You may ask for a copy of the data we hold about you at any time.
Contact the Membership Secretary.
Send any amendments of your personal data to the Membership Secretary.