Leigh & District

In The Night Sky June -Planets on Parade

Later in the month, we get two opportunities to see all five visible planets lined up on parade in the eastern sky.

On the morning of Saturday 4th June, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are strung out in a line
clearly showing the route of the ecliptic.

On the 16th, we get a tighter view of Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Saturn - no Mercury this time.

Once again, all five planets line up over a wider swathe of the sky on 24th June.

Their running order this time is Mercury (very low on the horizon), Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
What is more, the Moon takes part today, slotting itself between Venus and Mars.

Unfortunately, we won’t be having our first of the month meetings this Friday, due to number of members
being on holiday or having other commitments.

But, as we normally do, here is a look at the Night Sky for June

Firstly, back from his month off with Covid, is our old mate Alyn Wallace


He outlines the line up of the planets, as detailed above.
Also a detail of noctilucent clouds

See also


The full Moon this month is on the 13th and is known as the Strawberry Moon.