Ledbury u3a Interest Groups
Current Position
We run over 40 interest groups, including several new ones.
We cater for a wide range of interests as shown in our Groups List below from which you can access each Group Page giving individual details.
Sadly some groups do close for a variety of reasons, but we are constantly adding new ones.
If the Group you are interested is full please let the Leader of that Group and the Groups Co-Ordinator know. If there is sufficient interest and a leader can be found, then a second (or third!) group may be formed.
Click the link Groups Grid to find out the most recent information on when and where Groups meet.
We don’t cater for your interest?
We are always thinking of new groups, so if you cannot find the group for you, make your suggestions to our special New Groups Facilitator.
There are currently over 20 suggestions for potential new groups. These groups can be viewed by clicking the link Suggestions for New Groups. If you are interested in joining any of these groups then please contact the
New Groups Facilitator.
For many of these groups a minimum number of 6 is required to make the group viable. However, some groups require more members, such as the dancing groups. The venue and leadership for new groups can be an issue, but help and support will be available to start a new group and to aid resolution of logistical issues. Please have a look at the list and get in touch with the New Groups Facilitator to add your name to an existing potential group or to suggest a new activity.
Joining a group now
Having looked at a Group's page, you can contact a group leader at any time if you wish to join, using the contact given on the page for that group. Sometimes the Group will be full, in which case the Group Leader will add you to the Group’s waiting list if he or she holds one. If this is so - please also let the Groups Co-ordinator know. This helps us plan for future expansion of groups to meet demand.
Open Enrolment Afternoon
At our open enrolment afternoon on the third Thursday in September you can see all the groups on offer. You will be able to talk to each group’s leader or one of its members to get a feel for the group. You will be able to sign up then for those groups you are interested in.
Paying for the group sessions
Please note that there is a fee for attending each session of a group. This is 20p if the group meets outdoors or in a member’s home, but more if it meets in the venue which has to be paid for by the group. There are options for paying annually. Individual group leaders will be able to advise you on this.
Forming a new Group
Our u3a activities depend absolutely on volunteers – there are no paid tutors. For many groups it is very easy and takes little time, for others where there is more to do, like arranging outings, the work of a group leader may be shared.
Perhaps you could form your own group? For more information on being a group leader click here Abridged Group Leader Guidelines.
Equipment is available for use at group meetings. A laptop, projector, screen, slide viewer, sound system and radio cassette CD player are available at this time. Please contact the Groups Co-ordinator if you want to know more or are interested in borrowing any of these items.
For more information go to the Full Group Leader Guidelines which has additional links to documents on running a u3a group.