Kings Lynn

Join Us

For £15 a year you can have access to 70 activity groups ranging from Cryptic crosswords and petanque to sailing. Full details of all activities are on the Groups page. In addition there is a monthly meeting with a speaker, full details are on the Events page.

If you wish to join us, please click on the link for NEW members, where you will be taken to our payment page. There are two membership categories: Full membership at £15 Per year, and ASSOCIATE membership for those who are FULL members of another u3a at £10.

Payments are made via PayPal but you DO NOT need a PayPal account in order to make the payment.

If you prefer to join via post or at one of our monthly meetings, please download and print out the membership form below.

Membership Application Form


Existing King's Lynn u3a members can log-in to our members portal from the link on this page, using their credentials. From here you can check that the information we hold about yourself is correct, and make any changes that are necessary.

For further information on logging-in and using this section, please go to the help page at:

Members Portal Help Page