Hope Valley

Keeping busy in our isolation

Ideas from Sally Soady
I have been thinking about what we can do to pass the time, and here are some ideas:

- wildlife surveys - I'm hoping to recruit people in Bamford to undertake a hedgehog survey along the lines of the one in Hope
- later in the year is the Big Butterfly Count - perhaps if we all try to do it and compare results? https://www.bigbutterflycount.org/
- I've signed up for the Big Compost Experiment to test how well different materials, which claim to be compostable, degrade https://www.bigcompostexperiment.org.uk/
- are there others we could get involved with in our gardens?

Read a good book, I don't read many, but some I read last year that I would recommend are:
- anything by Dave Goulson, Sting in the Tail, Buzz in the Meadow, Bee Quest or The Garden Jungle
- Wilding by Isobella Tree
- Curlew Moon by Mary Colwelll - thanks to Mary Sayers for lending it to me

Would be great to get some recommendations of what to read this year.

Ideas from John Nicholson

A couple of books to suggest:

“The man who planted trees”; Jean Giono; published by Peter Owen 1989 – short and sweet.

“Wild Signs and Star Paths”; Tristan Gooley; Sceptre 2018 – longer but good for dipping into.