Hockley & Hawkwell

Welcome to Hockley and Hawkwell U3A

HOCKLEY AND HAWKWELL U3A began in the autumn of 2012 when a group of people interested in forming a new U3A met and eventually formed a steering committee.

Its current success demonstrates the local demand for a U3A group to meet the growing needs of the third age local community. Its interests and activities reflect closely those of its members in the large membership it now has and the interest groups formed.

Following the AGM in 2014 the Executive Committee took over the running of the Hockley & Hawkwell U3A, continuing the work of the original steering committee.


The annual subscription provides access to a whole range of learning, social and leisure events including the monthly general meeting where you can enjoy the speaker or entertainment together with refreshments, interest group updates and it gives you an opportunity to peruse the forthcoming social events and trips. It is also a time to meet and chat with other members.

You will also receive a monthly Events Diary and a tri-annual Newsletters via email. Additionally you will receive 5 copies (annually) of the national magazine “Third Age Matters”. For those members who do not have email then a few copies will be available for reading at the general meeting. These will be kept on the Business Secretary's table.

You can contact us by email at: hhu3acomms@gmail.com. Alternatively our mobile contact number for all enquiries is 07762 019754 - between 9am and 6pm, you will be asked to give your full name, landline telephone number and email address if you have one

If a member, on occasion, wants to bring someone along, for example, a house guest or prospective member, they may be able to with prior arrangement and with a charge of £2 payable on the day. If a member needs a carer to accompany them then that can also be accommodated via arrangement

(There is not a monthly meeting in August or December but sometimes social events are arranged in these months)


Please refer to our Newsletters and Events Diaries for details of our interest groups.
You can also find us on Facebook at Hockley and Hawkwell U3A, this is a private group which is available to all members.


Should you wish to refer to our insurance policy you can access this via the main U3A website - www.u3a.org.uk/advice



Chairman, : Simon Wootton
Vice Chair, Membership Secretary : Ann Vann
Treasurer, Social Treasurer : Pat Clarke
Business Secretary, Pam Bean
Newsletter, Events Diary, Web administrator:Colin Henry
Newsletter, Events Diary, Assistant:Angela Bailey
Speaker Secretary : Peter Bowers
Groups Co-ordinators: Jean Birch and Carol Holborn
Social Secretary,Welfare Officer:Jenny Sartain
Social Secretary,:Heather Barton
Minutes Secretary, Facebook Administrator:Deborah Wootton