Helston & District

Welcome to Helston & District u3a


Welcome to Helston and District u3a. We are pleased to announce that we are back up and running after an unfortunate down time and we look forward to welcome back members old and new.

Note: Until we are able to fully restore our website content, pictures contained in our gallery and many group pages are unavailable, as is our normal contact information (although if you would like to email any questions to our webmaster at u3ahelstonwebmaster@gmail.com he will reply to you and pass on your request to the appropriate person).

Helston is situated at the gate of the Lizard Peninsula and is a vibrant market and garrison town. Steeped in history it is proud to be the second oldest town in Cornwall.

It is well known for its impressive stone-sculpted buildings and kennels(channels of water running down either side of the high street) which form part of its distinctive appearance.

Helston & District u3a was formed in the Autumn of 2009 and has approximately 200 members.

We presently have about 20 groups which are organised by members for members. There is no distinction between those who teach and those who learn. All activities are voluntary and member's time is freely given in an atmosphere of shared learning. The activities provided are as wide-ranging and diverse as the membership. We are always looking for new ideas.

It's never too late to learn. So, if you are retired or semi-retired, join the 342,783 members in 1000 U3As around the UK today.


The membership fee covers the cost of a regular Information & News Sheet issued prior to our monthly social meeting (free to attend). Membership includes access to all our groups listed on the Groups page, although some groups request a small nominal fee from those attending to cover the cost of hiring a building for an activity (e.g. for Table Tennis).

If you are considering joining us, please click the Membership menu item, or the Membership link on the right, to find out more.

Our Monthly Social Meetings

Our monthly Social Meetings are held at St Mary’s Catholic Church Hall ,Clodgy Lane ,Helston, on the third Wednesday of the month from 10:00am. Coffee/Tea is available and there is an interesting programme of speakers. More information on these meetings is provided via clicking the Events menu item, or clicking the Social Meetings and other Events link on the right.

So come and join us and discover that life begins on retirement.