Hawkwell Village

Genetic Genealogy

This group meets on the 4th Monday of each month between 2-4pm at the Pavilion.

Travel to and from any venue used will be at the members’ own arrangement and cost. There are no foreseen health and safety issues. Members participate at their own risk.
It is in open group and both full members and associate members are welcome to come along.
The Group Contact is Toni Neobard who can be contacted by email by clicking on the link.

More Group Pages
Art and Craft 1 Art and Craft 2 Birdwatching & Wildlife Bridge Club
Cake Decorating Digital Photography Drawing and Painting Family History Know-How
French Conversation Gardening Genetic Genealogy German Conversation
Golf Knit & Natter Lets Do Lunch London History 1
London History 2 Military History Music - Easy Listening Nominated Whist and Rummikub
Nominated Whist and Solo Whist Open House 1 Open House 2 Out and About Group
Play Reading Practical Family History Quizzing Rummikub / Card Games
Short Mat Bowls Short Story Reading Group Snooker Spanish
Table Tennis Ten Pin Bowling Theatre Visits Using Technology
Weekly Walking Wine Tasting Yoga
More Group Pages
Art and Craft 1 Art and Craft 2
Birdwatching & Wildlife Bridge Club
Cake Decorating Digital Photography
Drawing and Painting Family History Know-How
French Conversation Gardening
Genetic Genealogy German Conversation
Golf Knit & Natter
Lets Do Lunch London History 1
London History 2 Military History
Music - Easy Listening Nominated Whist and Rummikub
Nominated Whist and Solo Whist Open House 1
Open House 2 Out and About Group
Play Reading Practical Family History
Quizzing Rummikub / Card Games
Short Mat Bowls Short Story Reading Group
Snooker Spanish
Table Tennis Ten Pin Bowling
Theatre Visits Using Technology
Weekly Walking Wine Tasting