Contact: Christopher Evans Tel: 07772 534479; to email me click on the Blue Bird below the U3A logo on this page.
Canasta is a card game that can be played by 2,3 or 4 players, either singly or in pairs. It’s competitive, addictive and great fun, even if it’s infuriating at times.
If you’ve not played before we will teach you, introducing you to the strategies and tactics you need to be successful, as well as how to score.
We normally meet on the FIRST Thursday of each month at 2 pm, in the café area of The Spring. Whilst there are no direct costs, we feel it incumbent upon ourselves to buy a drink from the café, so that we continue to be welcome at The Spring.
There is no formal cap on the number of members in the group but in practical terms we are near the limit of how many people The Spring are likely to tolerate.
If you’re interested in joining either call me or email me, details above.
{Calendar of Meetings for 2024.}.
September - Thursday 5th.
October - Thursday 3rd.
November - Thursday 7th.
December - Thursday 5th.