
Reading for Pleasure

We meet at St.Luke's Church Centre in Franklin Square on the second Thursday at 10.15am.

We are one of the most long-standing groups, which started in October 1992, with just three members. We aim to maintain about 12 members in the group.

We read a variety of books, ranging from mainly contemporary novels, classical, and biographies. Some of the books that we have read in the past have been "Middlemarch" "The Da Vinci Code", "The Africa House", "The Sea, the Sea".

The books are chosen by group discussion at the beginning of the academic year at our first meeting in September. We chose books for October through to the following July. We do not meet in August.

Each member of the group gives an overview of the book, which is discussed as a whole, so the discussion is often very lively.

For information, please email using the following link- Ian Munday

For the current reading list click here Book List 2022-23

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